data science

No-Code for Deep Learning: Ludwig

No-Code Just YAML -> Ludwig

Let's say you want something to achieve without making your hands dirty in a code. So, it would be best if you had no-code. From today's point of view, Ludwig would be your choice. ... Read More

A few times in your life you will experience situations when you’ll see something and immediately know that “that’s it”. My latest that kind of situation was when I opened or the first time. Let’s start from the beginning. So, you want to train an AI model. Of course, ... Read More
A Great Menthor

A Great Mentor Notes

“If you think about the most valuable advice I’ve ever gotten from a mentor, it was this: if you’re going to be a coach in any capacity, just make a commitment. Because it takes a lot of work to be good at something you love. You can learn a lot ... Read More
JavaScript Programming

JavaScript for DataScience

Like it or not, JavaScript is here to stay. Tensorflow models can be accessed by JavaScript, so do Torch ones. And node.js is something that allows to use JavaScript in command line. So, deal with it, on the proper way, and take the best of JavaScript. Of course, you don’t ... Read More